About the Book

BookCover (FILEminimizer)Are you lacking a sense of satisfaction & fulfilment in your career?

Do you have a burning desire to free yourself from the corporate world and do what you love?

Are confidence, security and the fear of failure or fear of the unknown holding you back?

In Ditch The Ladder, Samantha Chambers reveals what it really takes to go beyond the bright idea and business plan and go it alone and succeed outside of the corporate world. With insights into the new skillsets, behaviours and ways of working that should be at the forefront of your mind, Ditch The Ladder is the ultimate guide to everything you need to know to make your escape.

Having made the leap herself, Samantha provides guidance on how to survive the transition, ride the emotional roller coaster and manage the bumps in the road.

Through her experiences of success and failure, and her mantra of working smarter not harder, Samantha delves beyond the practical aspects of starting a new business and shares her critical lessons learnt to help you step off the corporate ladder and create your own path to future success, wealth and happiness.

Ditch The Ladder will change the way you view your place in the corporate world and unlock your mind to a new way of life and provide a blueprint for personal and career success.